history-genealogy site

This is a site where I will discuss my family genealogy research and related history. When a blog deals with a particular family group, I will try to include it in the title so uninterested people can skip it without skimming it. It is my hope to get feedback on research methods, family members and historical context from other historians, genealogists, and researchers. (c) Barbara L. de Mare 2006, 2007

Location: Englewood, New Jersey, United States

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I am printing here the beginning of my Howe Research Journal. Although this is only the second draft, so the writing could use a great deal of improvement, I believe the facts are here.

Identity of Lebbeus Howe

The 1880 census lists two Lebbeus Howes; one in Fishkill, Dutchess County, with the right ages to be our ancestor and the other in Sharon, Connecticut. I have a Lebbeus Howe #248s-iC8, born 5 Oct 1781, a nephew of our Lebbeus. He is a son of Charles #248s-i, brother of our Lebbeus, #248.

John Howe5 (1719-1778) & Martha Thomas (1721-1797

Charles Howe6 (1741--) & Elizabeth Reynolds (1736--), of Greenwich

Charles7 Howe, Jr. (1777--1849)

Lebbeus7 Howe (1781--)

Lebbeus6 Howe (1755-1834)

Lebbeus7 Howe born 5 Oct 1781, would have been 18 at the time of the 1800 census. The census shows 1 male aged 16 to 25; a female under 9 and a female 16-25. This could very well be Lebbeus7 son of Charles6 with a wife and infant daughter.

I do not have a source listed for Lebbeus7, but it was probably Johnson, Ancestry of Margery Ruth Howe, as that was the source of much of my early information. His accuracy is doubtful, apparently due to carelessness, as will be shown below.

Where did Lebbeus6 live?

According to Johnson, Ancestry of Margery Ruth Howe, John Howe5 (1719-1778) and Martha Thomas (1721-1797) were born in Greenwich, Connecticut and died in Florida, Orange County, New York. Their children, except for Charles6 (248s) who was born in Greenwich, are stated by Johnson to have been born in Florida, Orange County. This includes Lebbeus6 (#248). Johnson further says that all the children of Charles6 (248s-i), including Lebbeus7 the nephew (#248s-iC8), were born in Florida, Orange County. I have no further information on any of the children of John5 and Martha to give us clues as to the true birthplace except for Charles6 and our Lebbeus6.

Lebbeus6 Howe

Lebbeus6 appears in Frederickstown, Dutchess County, in the 1790 census when he would have been 35 years old. Thus he was born too early for the census returns to be of help in determining his place of birth.

Lebbeus6 is enumerated in Fishkill, Dutchess County, in all census returns from 1800 through his death there in 1834. He is buried in the Community Ground in Leetown, Dutchess County according to Poucher, Old Gravestones of Dutchess County. I have visited this cemetery which is totally overgrown with few headstones visible. Poucher does not give a place of birth, and the headstone does not appear to be extant.

According to his Revolutionary War pension file Lebbeus6 was married 17 October 1780 in Frederickstown (which was later known as Carmeltown), Frederickstown was near Red Mills in what was then a part of the South Precinct of Dutchess County, now Putnam County. Hence by the age of 25 he was residing on the eastern side of the Hudson River.

Charles6 Howe:

Johnson, Ancestors of Margery Ruth Howe, #2 (p.18), states in reference to Charles7 Howe, Jr.:

"In March 1797, he married Sarah Overbaugh in Florida, NY. Eleven children resulted from this union. . . . The first five children were born in Florida, the others were probably born in Schoharie, New York.

"Charles was a Baptist minister. He preached in Florida and in the Amsterdam, Montgomery area (Schoharie among others) for a number of years. Then, in 1832, he moved to Perinton, Monroe, New York where he preached in the Perinton, Pittsford, and Macedon churches, all in Monroe County.

"He died in Perinton on 20 April 1849 at the home of his son. His wife, Sarah, died there on 27 January 1855."

Johnson may have Florida, Orange County and Florida, Montgomery County, confused. The latter is in the Amsterdam area, between there and Schoharie. Thus Montgomery County seems more likely.

Returning to John5 Howe #496 (1719-1778) and Martha Thomas #497 (1721-1797), we find few other clues. Uncle Bill claims this John Howe was born in England in 1712 and emigrated to America in 1745. Johnson, Ancestors of Margery Ruth Howe, gives information entered on FTM. From Johnson:

"John How (8), the son of Comfort Finch (17) and John How (16), was born on 4 June 1719 in Greenwich, Connecticut.

"He married Martha Thomas (9), probably in Greenwich, CT around 1740. After the marriage the couple settled in Florida, Orange County, New York, and had ten children there. . . .

"John died in Florida on 10 March 1778. His wife died there on 19 June 1797."

The 8th child was our Lebbeus6. The problem with all the children is that baptismal dates are given—no birth dates. This would be fine except that the church in which these baptisms allegedly took place is not stated and has not been found as of November 11, 2006. As of this date records of churches in and around Florida, Orange County, have been consulted. Montgomery County records have not been examined. Of further interest—their grandson Charles7 was a Baptist minister, and the Howes were said to be an old Baptist family. This would seem to preclude infant baptism, although in the early days some Baptist churches did baptize children.

The entry for John5 and Martha was also the earliest mention of Florida, Orange County. If they indeed moved to Orange County, then the birth of their children there would make sense. However no other evidence that this is the case has been found. Indeed, Johnson himself cites Daniel Waite Howe, Howe Genealogies, as his source for information concerning John5 Howe. The Howe Genalogies, #47 on p. 422, states:

"They lived in Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y., where he died 10 March 1778. She died 10 June 1797." Thus Johnson has not correctly followed his own source in putting John Howe in Orange County.” (emphasis added)

Apperntly Johnson was unaware that there are two towns named Florida in New York State.

Monroe County, where Johnson says that Charles7, Jr., died, could add to the confusion. Rochester, New York, near Lake Ontario, is in Monroe County. However there is another Rochester, New York, in Orange County. Perinton and Pittsford are indeed in Monroe County. Macedon is in Wayne County, which is near Monroe. The first church there was Baptist, and was organized in 1800.[1]

French, Gazetteer of New York, p. 181, adds another Baptist component to the mystery. It says that Hawleytown, a hamlet south of Binghamton on the Pennsylvania border in Broome County, New York, was settled in 1787 by emigrants from New England. It then continues “The first religious services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Howe, (Bap.), in 1788.” Southern Broome County is closer to Florida in western Orange County than to Florida in Montgomery County. By the age of this Rev. Mr. Howe, he could not have been Charles7 Howe, Jr., #248s-iC8, (Charles Howe #2) stated above to be a Baptist minister, as he was born in 1777. Johnson gives no occupational information for Charles6 Howe (4), but he is the one whom Johnson says first crossed the Hudson to the western side. Of course this Rev. Mr. Howe could be another family altogether; French gives no Christian name for him. Nevertheless, he is Baptist, thus lending more credence to the belief that the Howes were Baptists from an early date.

Howe Caverns

Is this Howe related? He is in the right area—Schoharie County near Montgomery.

[1] French, p. 692

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Divorce papers of Susannah Chapel v. Mathew Smith Chapel, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held in Lenox, Berkshire County, 1827, contain various documents of genealogical importance and historical interest. The papers are:

Marriage certificate Mathew and Susannah (23 Feb 1816

Hillsdale February 23-1816

This is to certify that I have this day married Mathew Smith Chapel and Susannah Wilcocks

[signed] Edward Bagley Jus of the Peace

Complaint of Susan Wilcox (15 May 1827)

To the Honorable Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court to be holden at Lenox within and for the County of Berkshire on the tenth Tuesday next, after the first Tuesday of March now last past

Humbly says Susannah Chapel of Sandisfield in the County of Berkshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts that on the twenty third day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen at Hillsdale in the County of Columbia and State of New York she was lawfully married to Mathew Smith Chapel then and late of said Sandisfield, that from the time of said marriage your petitioner has performed towards the said Mathew Smith Chapel all the duties of the marriage covenant but that the said Mathew Smith Chapel wholly regardless of the marriage covenant and of his duty to your petitioner did on the twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six at Kinderhook in the said County of Columbia commit the [illegible—page torn] with some person not known to your petitioner and that the said Mathew Smith Chapel at said Kinderhook at divers times before the said twentieth day of said April did commit the crime of adultery with diverse other persons unknown to your petitioner.,

Wherefore your petitioner prays that your Honors would dissolve the bonds of matrimony between your petitioner and said Mathew Smith Chapel and make such further order in the premises as they shall judger proper and your petitioner as is duty bound will ever pray.—Dated at Lenox aforesaid the fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.

[signed] Susannah Chapel

Court order for notice & trial (May 1827)

Berkshires ss: Sup. Jud. Court May Term AD 1827—

Upon the Libel aforesaid ordered that the libellant notify the said Mathew S. Chapel to appear before our Supreme Judicial Court to be holden at Lenox within and for said County on the second Tuesday of September next

By publishing a true & attested copy of the said Libel & this order thereon in the Berkshire Star printed at Stockbridge in said county three weeks successively the last publication to be thirty one days at least before the sitting of said Court that he may then & there show cause if any he have why the prayer thereof should not be granted.

[signed] Chas. Sedgwick Clerk

Affidavit of Abel Sage (29 August 1827)

[Abel Sage is the husband of Ruth Chapel, Mathew’s sister. Interesting that he is not testifying for his brother-in-law, but rather for the aggrieved wife of his wife’s brother. Doesn’t say much for Mathew!]

To the Honorable Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court next to be holden at Lenox within and for the County of Berkshire

Within is the deposition of Abel Sage certified and sealed up by me this 29th day of August AD 1827

[signed] Michael Butler Justice Peace

Columbia County Town of Stuyvesant

This may certify that I Abel Sage was present in the Town of Hillsdale in the County of Columbia when Mathew S. Chapel was married to Susannah Wilcox by Edward Bagley a Justice of the Peace of the County of Columbia -- (I believe it was in the month of February 1815) and further this deponent saith not. [signed] Abel Sage

Columbia County ss:

On the 29th day of August in the year of our Lord 1827 the aforesaid deponent was examined and [illegible word] and sworn agreeable to Law to the deposition aforesaid by him subscribed to here at the request of Susannah Chapel and to be used in an action or libel for a divorce now pending between her and Mathew S. Chapel before the Supreme Judicial Court next to be holden in Lenox within and for the County of Berkshire and Commonwealth of Massachusetts and adverse party was not present on living more than twenty miles from the place of Caption was not notified. The said deponent living more than thirty miles from the place of trial and out of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the cause of taking this Deposition.

[signed] Michael Butler Justice of Peace

Berk S.J. Court Sept. 12 1827

Opened in court and filed

[illegible signature]

Certificate of marriage of Mathew and Catherine (30 August 1827)

This is to certify that on Sabbath April 23, 1826 I joined in the bonds of holy matrimony according to the form prescribed in thew Liturgy of the Reformed Dutch Church, Masthew S. Chapel to Mrs. Catherine Mosier. The ceremony was not performed without asking publicly the question usual in all cases where the parties are unknown “whether any person present knows any lawful reason why these persons should not be united” and private inquiry separated from the person who made the application. Positive assurances being made in the latter case that there were none, and silence prevailing in the former, U discharged what I deemed my official duty and married them.

Nassau August 30, 1827 [signed] James Romeyn, Pastor of

The Reformed Dutch Church of Nassau

Affidavit of John Bray and Agnes Bray (30 August 1827)

To the Hon. The Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court next to be holden at Lenox within and for the County of Berkshire

Within are the depositions of John Bray and Agnes Bray taken and certified and sealed up by me this thirtieth day of August 1827—

[signed] Lucas Hoes Justice Peace

State of New York

Columbia County, ss: Personally appeared John Bray of the Town of Kinderhook, County aforesaid, and Agnes Bray, wife of the said John, to me personally known who being severally duly sworn, depose and say—that some time about the twentieth or twenty third of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Six, they the above deponents were present and saw Mathew S. Chapel (then of the town of Kinderhook aforesaid) married to Catherine Mosier by the Rev. James Roneyne, at the Village of Nassau in the County of Rensselaer, that subsequent to their marriage the said Mathew and Catherine lived together as man and wife and that they the said deponents have been informed and verily believe that since the marriage aforesaid the said Mathew S. Chapel & Catherine had a child born & which is now living—and further the said deponents say that the above mentioned Catherine Mosier is the daughter of John Devo of said Town of Kinderhook, and further say not.

(signed) John Bray

(signed) Agnes Bray

Columbia County ss:

On the thirtieth day of August 1827 the aforesaid deponents were severally examined and cautioned and Sworn agreeable to Law to the deposition aforesaid by then severally subscribed, taken at the request of Susan Chapel & to be used in an action or a libel for a divorce now pending between her and Mathew S. Chapel before the Judicial Court next to be holden at Lenox within and for the County of Berkshire & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the adverse party was not present, he living more than twenty miles from the place of caption and was not notified—the aforesaid deponents living more than thirty miles from the place of trial and out of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the course of taking these depositions.

Lucas Hoes, Justice of the Peace

Berk S. J. Court

Sept 12 1827

Opened in Court and filed

[2 illegible signatures]